Thursday, April 17, 2008

Gutter Twins as CD of the Month

Man I didn't realize that I was this far behind. So this was March's CD of the month. The Gutter Twins' "Saturnalia". Saturnalia is or was a Roman celebration. Started as a day but grew into a week long "party" of tomfoolery. Don't worry I didn't know what it was either.

Exit Afghan Whigs and Screaming Trees.
Sadly after the wonderful and glorious cd "1965" The Afghan Whigs called it quits in 2001. Greg Dulli did a solo CD and a few Twilight Singers CDs after that. Mark Lanegan was in Screaming Trees which also broke up after a stellar CD called "Dust". He went solo (great acoustic songs check them out people) and hung out with QOTSA. He then recorded with the Twilight Singers and Isobel Campbell.

Welcome to the Gutter Twins
A glorious collaboration between friends. Mark Lanegan and Greg Dulli have also been collaborating since 2000 and Saturnalia has been rumored since 2003.

In September of 2005, Lanegan performed with Dulli in Italy as the Gutter Twins for the first time.

It's more feeling and mood. It truly feels like music you would expect to find in a gutter or a movie about the lower rungs of life. Their voices play nicely off each other: Lanegan’s brooding baritone and Dulli’s mellow tenor muse on the absurdities of love and life. Mostly Love. This CD may take a few of you a few "listen throughs" but you will be rewarded with a rich experience and a CD you'll return to again and again.

Think I'm wrong? Think I'm right? Let me know. What is your CD of the Month?

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