Wednesday, April 09, 2008

I was suprised today

I was reading the newspaper this morning and noticed that The Simpsons got banned in Venezuela.

"That is not really surprising" is something you probably were saying as you read that. You wouldn't find it surprising that the reason cited was "the series wasn't appropriate for children at that hour of the day". It was airing at 11 am.

The suprising (almost beyond funny) part was the replacement show. Yes now this is tv that the kids could or should enjoy....The Simpsons were replaced by "Baywatch Hawaii". WTF? I guess The Maury Show wasn't available.

Another funny part is the fact that I had no idea that there was a spinoff of Baywatch. Until today and this article. I guess it is true you learn something new every day. Or at least you should right? I just wish that something was anything else.

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