Saturday, December 31, 2005

Have Happy and Safe New Year's Eve

The Ultimate Showdown Of Ultimate Destiny. I think this is the best way to end the year. Worth watching many times over. Enjoy.

Every one has top CD lists what about the CDs no one should have the 2005 version. Thank god for the Onion.

and this is just scary. The Legend of Zelda Dancers.

Most rapped about Brands. Benz leads the way. Nike number two. Spam is number three.

100 things we didn't know last year. I like 11, 14, 29, 54, and 33 gives me one more reason to dislike Chelsea.

And one more Star Wars link for the year. Save Greedo.

Stones and U2 made alot of money in concerts this year. Everyone...not so much.

Well done Down Under. Ready to download legally from the TV. I think this is a better way than bringing 11 year olds to court.

and I leave you with soundboard from Office Space. Ummm Yeah

More later

Friday, December 30, 2005

Neil's top CDs of 2005

This a great list from Mr. Neil. I think it might actually be better than mine. I don't like that. so on to Neil's list. Thanks

Hey now! Another year, another list. They seem to come around faster these days. Anyways, 2005 brought us another year where our 90's rock heroes continue to tarnish their good names (Weezer, Audioslave, Billy Corgan -- Billy, you really need to talk to Rick Rubin), and new bands seem to appear out of the ether with fully formed sounds and hype. On to the music!


46. Greg Dulli - Amber Headlights
Previously-shelved album has a couple of highlights (headlights?), but overall not up to par for the great Greg Dulli.

45. Foo Fighters - In Your Honor
Double albums are tough to pull off, and this one falls a bit flat, but still has some good rockers.

44. Annie - Anniemal
Bubbly Norwegian dance pop. Disposable fun.

43. Kanye West - Late Registration
Who doesn't love Kanye, right? Well, I think I just like him.

42. Antony & the Johnsons - I Am A Bird Now
These are songs you probably never want to hear at a family gathering, because it's most likely your funeral.

41. Madonna - Confessions On A Dance Floor
There has been plenty written about Madonna's latest, and I tend to agree with the overall sentiment that she's pretty hot for an old woman.

40. Bruce Springsteen - Devils & Dust
Bruce tells some stories, strums some guitar, records some tracks, puts out an album. New Jersey weeps. I shrug and move on.

39. Low - The Great Destroyer
Any band that sings about monkeys is okay with me (even if it's going to die).

38. Marianne Faithfull - Before the Poison
Marianne Faithfull does the right thing in collaborating with currently relevant artists. The good news is that one of them is PJ Harvey. The bad news is that there are other songs without PJ Harvey. This should have been an EP.

37. Black Mountain - Black Mountain
Sort of a 70's sounding Morphine? .

36. Clor - Clor
While I like what they are trying to do on this album (Devo, anyone?), I don't think they quite know how to do it yet. Great poppy fun though.

35. Coldplay - X&Y
Certainly an easy target for critics, especially when they release singles like "Fix You", but this band has ambition (which should count for something), and they succeed more often than not.

34. Brendan Benson - The Alternative To Love
I should create a category for albums with 4 or 5 great songs, with the rest just being mediocre. Brendan Benson would probably be number 1 on that list. Insanely good power pop songs at the start of the album. (Watch for Brendan Benson in 2006 as he teams up with Jack White for the side project, the Raconteurs. Has album-of-the-year potential.)

33. Fiery Furnaces - EPYou probably already know if you like them or not, so this ranking won't change your mind much either way. For the record, I haven't heard the critically-bashed Rehearsing My Choir, which also came out this year.

32. Franz Ferdinand - You Could Have It So Much Better
A fine repeat of their debut.

31. Spoon - Gimme Fiction
Another band that had eluded me up until this album. Won't happen again, okay?

30. The New Pornographers - Twin Cinema
A.C. Newman is on quite the roll lately. He throws out these power pop gems faster than you can absorb them.

29. Gorillaz - Demon Days
This album feels like it's from the future, when all genres music are combined into one.

28. Daft Punk - Human After All
Certain critics may have dismissed this album (hello, Pitchfork), but upon further inspection, the handful of good songs turned out to be really good.

27. Bob Mould - Body of Song
Who doesn't love Bob? The opening track, "Circles", is one of his best songs ever, and the album is solid from front to back.

26. Queens of the Stone Age - Lullabies to Paralyze
This album couldn't help but feel like a letdown after their classics, Rated R and Songs for the Deaf, but it still is some of the heaviest, playful stuff around.

25. / 24. Kasabian - Kasabian / Razorlight - Up All Night
Two British bands with tight debuts that are enjoyable listens all the way through, but they seem to blend together in my head. Get some better P.R., will ya fellas?

23. Laura Veirs - Year of Meteors
I learned about this album on CBS Sunday Morning of all places. Lovely songs with a tension simmering just below the surface, ala Cat Power.

22. Bloc Party - Silent Alarm
Another British import who seem to have gone to rock school and finished near the top of their class. This was a hot album six months ago, but has lost some of it's initial luster (has that dude's voice started to get annoying, or is it just me?).

21. Stephen Malkmus - Face the Truth
Keep smoking whatever you've been smoking, bro. It works. And by the way, shouldn't Stephen Malkmus be more famous than he is? His work with Pavement alone should put him in upper echelon of indie royalty, but now he's knocked out three solid solo albums on top of that. Shouldn't Rolling Stone or Spin have a cover story waiting for him?

20. And You Will Know Us By the Trail of Dead - Worlds Apart
It sure is tough to follow-up something as insanely great as their last album. Do you do the same thing again and hope the magic is still there, or do you use the good will you earned to try something new? Trail of Dead took the latter track, and for the most part it worked well.

19. Beck - Guero
Do you take Beck for granted? I think I do. I shouldn't, you know, because it's certainly harder to produce these albums than he makes it look.

18. Fiona Apple - Extraordinary Machine (Jon Brion version)
Poor Fiona. All she does is churn out delicious emotional songs about her old boyfriends, and then her record company abandons her too. Fiona, time to stop playing the victim.

17. Iron & Wine/Calexico - In the Reins EP
Yikes. What are you supposed to do when you discover that one of your favorite current artists has teamed up with a band you haven't heard before? Well, you go back and figure out what the deal is. So I get Calexico's Feast of Wire (2003), and it turns out to be one of the best albums I listened to this year. So when In the Reins came out, I understood. A beautiful southwestern album that feels like a film.

16. My Morning Jacket - Z
The last couple MMJ albums never quite caught my attention. This one seems to have solved that problem. The production is superb, with the swirling sounds, the lush organ, and the echoey vocals.

15. Wolf Parade - Apologies to Queen Mary
Noisy Canadians put together an indie rock album with just enough pop to win over all those new Arcade Fire / Modest Mouse fans. Indeed, it was produced by Modest Mouse front man Isaac Brock, and it's not hard to hear that influence or the Talking Heads (who seem to be this year's Godfathers of Indie Rock).

14. Mars Volta - Frances the Mute
We all know these guys are nuts. It just so happens that they're pretty good at making weird music.

13. The National - Alligator
Their laid-back midwestern sound has a certain timeless feel to it.

12. Death Cab For Cutie - Plans
First and foremost, Ben Gibbard is a poet. It's to his credit that when he sets it to music, you actually start to enjoy sappy poetry. The first few songs on this album are devastating and carry you through on a high for the rest of it.

11. Nine Inch Nails - With Teeth
Raise your hand if you used to love NIN. Yeah, me too. Well, what's changed? Not a whole lot, thank you very much. Trent Reznor can still put together an album that has highs and lows and gets funky in between.

10. White Stripes - Get Behind Me Satan
The White Stripes sewed up their future induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame this year with Satan. Jack White is, how shall we say, "in the zone" -- hitting home run after home run, using whatever type of bat is handed to him. It would be tough to find an artist who has been as good and as prolific as the White Stripes have been this decade.

9. Clap Your Hands Say Yeah - Clap Your Hands Say Yeah
Another band that owes a portion of their profits to David Byrne. Everything you've read about them is true. Yes, it's a great album, and yes, they're dangerously overexposed. This will become the album that celebrities will name-drop to reporters while trying to look cool.

8. Sufjan Stevens - Come On Feel the Illinoise
Multi-instrumentalism is the name of the game, and it provides rich, warm, complex music dialed down to 4 1/2 minute pop songs. No one seems to have mastered this better than Sufjan Stevens. There seem to be 20 different parts happening at once, but it comes together beautifully. Occasionally, he almost drifts into Polyphonic Spree territory (dangerous waters), but for the most part, this album is a classic.

7. M.I.A. - Arular
Junk-in-your-trunk rumbling beats. She's done the most for improving the sound of car commercials this year (Honda Civic, of course!). MIA isn't as innovative as Missy Elliott yet, but give her time. She sticks to a pretty strict formula, but it works well and keeps the album more consistent than any from Missy.

6. Broken Social Scene - Broken Social Scene
A couple of years ago, Broken Social Scene took indie rock to new heights with You Forgot It In People, that paved the way for fellow Canadians the Arcade Fire last year. B.S.S. is every bit as challenging, laid back, and lush as their last album. The songs fit together to create a sum greater than it's parts. There are so many instruments that fade in and fade out that each listen brings new sonic revelations.

5. John Vanderslice - Pixel Revolt
The subtitle for this album should be "Everything In Its Right Place". The nerdiest guy in rock produces immaculately-produced chilling songs that make you reach for the lyric sheet. Worthy follow-up to 2004's best album (Cellar Door). On this go-round, JV pushes the limits of his comfort zone, and misses a couple times, but when he hits ("Exodus Damage"; "Trance Manual"), there's nothing better.

4. System of a Down - Mezmerize / Hypnotize
No other album helped me get through more sleepy afternoons at work this year. Mezmerize has been in near constant rotation for me since it's release in the Spring and Hypnotize picks up where Mezmerize left off when it was released in November. These albums are surprisingly funky if you can get past the cheeseball element of the whole thing. If you saw them on SNL this year, you know what I mean. This is a band better heard than seen, so someone should just lock them back up in the studio, because this stuff is fantastic (if you like Serbian-American-left-wing-pop-metal).

3. LCD Soundsystem - LCD Soundsystem
The most electrifying album of the year begat the most exhiliarating show of the year. James Murphy will draw dance moves out of you that you didn't know you had. This album collects previously released singles on a second disc, and that alone would be enough to be one of the year's best. The new material is every bit as good, and sets a new standard for dance punk.

2. Iron & Wine - Woman King EP
A perfect collection of six lovingly-crafted, sonicly-textured songs. All of the notes ring true, as the instruments fall in and out of the mix. On top of that, you get the feeling that Sam Beam is singing about stories 1000 years wide. This album was released in January and I never went more than a few days without listening to it.

1. Sleater-Kinney - The Woods
More than any other artist this year, Sleater-Kinney truly "explored the studio space". In the tradition of late-80's Metallica, Sleater-Kinney jammed as many ideas they could into each song. This is the work of a mature band that is reaching the creative peak after so many years of incredibly tight shows and intense albums. Somewhat oddly released during the summer (this is definitely a winter album; it's called The Woods, not The Beach), the three members have developed into the finest ingredients, so that anything produced with them will be incredible. Corin Tucker has one of the most amazing vocal instruments in rock and she uses every ounce of it here. Sleater-Kinney have simply put together the best album of the year, not one false note or throwaway track. A masterpiece.

2006, anyone?
Here's a sneak preview at the artists to be featured on next year's list (if history is a guide): Radiohead, The Shins, Tool, Pearl Jam, Cat Power, The Strokes, The Flaming Lips, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Built to Spill, Raconteurs.
Hey, that looks like a pretty good top 10 right there. See you next year!

© Neil Walls 2005

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Bloody Christmas

and happy holidays etc.

24 hours of the Christmas Story. Yeah. My Mum's favorite and one of mine too.

you know what he did? I will let you watch the video to find out the answer. I laughed my ass off. Enjoy. Injured. Injured Bad.

More later


See you in Chi-town

Friday, December 23, 2005

I am heading to Naught's for the Super Bowl

Naught. I guess you were very good this year. I want a full report on the new TV brother man.

Christmas on the Ocho -- I mean ESPN. Pop Warner National Championships at 3:30 then at 4:30 the Flag Football National Championships. Just in case the Fam gets to be a little too much.

For the iPod. Big Boom Box. 600 watts for you.

Snakes on a Plane. You have been warned. Here you get photos.

John Lennon and Bob Dylan share a cab. Video.

What really happened to Chappelle.

HelperMonkey I know that you loved the toilet thing we had going for a bit so I got you this for Christmas. Enjoy.

Shoot me now. It's truly the End of Days.

Top 25 from Tiny Tape Mixes.

I haven't heard this. Anyone got a copy? the Green Day mashups.

More later

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

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"And so it is Christmas...."

I understand two from the flock are on their way home? Cbro and Evil Monkey are back in town. I propose a night of libations and debauchery to celebrate your brief return to this great city.

My next post will have my much vaunted, always controversial, Top Ten Albums Of The Year list. Wait for will not disappoint.
Until then, you can see what the slacker/were too cool for the room/audiophiles at Pitchfork thought were the top fifty.
I'm not bitter

EDIT: (I just noticed that 3 of the below posted links kind of pick on one particular race/ethnic group, this was unintentional and purely coincidental)

EDIT to EDIT: (If this country wasn't so damn PC about everything, the above statement would have been a given and I wouldn't even have to explain myself)

This definately falls in the "Why didn't someone think of this before" file

Santa's Crib...

David Gilmour Unveils North American Tour Dates

SNL actually had a funny skit on the other night

Flaming Lips Ready For 'War,'

As Krusty would say:
Have a Merry Christmas, a Joyful Hanukah, a Festive Kwanzaa or a Solemn & Dignified Ramadan
More later, HelperMonkey

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

How about we meet at the Map Room?

top cds from PopMatters. Now this is a list. Sooo much better than Rolling Stones.

And a list from the BBC.

M and M music used as torture. Do I need to add to that title?

Ananova reports:
Moby is set to become the first pop star to go into space.
He's reportedly booked a £115,000 seat on Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic space flight.

BC Camplight's MySpace. Yummy piano pop.

Coachella documentary in the Works
Over the last several years, the Empire Polo Field in Indio, Calif., has hosted the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival, and now the event's excitement will be transferred to the big screen.
Coachella, the first documentary about the annual festival, is set for theatrical release Jan. 24. Featuring performances from The Arcade Fire, the Pixies, Radiohead, The White Stripes, Bright Eyes and several others, the film promises to be a fairly comprehensive look at a festival with its finger on the pulse of modern music.
Additionally, the dates for Coachella 2006 have been announced. The festival will be held April 29 and 30 at its usual desert locale. Currently, the only act confirmed is first-day headliner, Depeche Mode, but more will be soon be announced.
For more information, including the lineup as it gets announced and updated, visit

LoTR v. Star Wars v. Matrix...which trilogy wins. This site tells you.

More later

Monday, December 19, 2005

It's almost time for my top...whatever...list of CDs

Gummy bear sex. Yes Gummy Bears having sex.

Maybe I should have started with some Holiday flash fun. The Elf Snowball fight. Hit Buddy but not Santa.

Great site about NitPickers on movies. For you Naught.

The Year in digital downloads.

Top 50 songs from Pitchfork.

Top 50 albums but Rolling Stone. Not a bad list but definitely not a good one. No Spoon? No Decememberists? No Black Rebel Motorcycle Club? Rolling Stones at number two? Number two?!?

More Later

Thursday, December 15, 2005

and when you're naked in the dark--I want to see your face in the reflection of my bedroom stereo

If you need a gift for a music-head for the Holiday season. Try the Saitek A-250. It wirelessly connects to your computer. No wifi needed. Very cool looking too. Think Bono's Fly Glasses. Set up takes less then five minutes and that includes taking it out of the box. The sound quality is surprizingly good (speakers by Mission)--You wouldn't blow out your windows but it sets your music free from your computer and sends it all over the house. There is one room of my house that cuts in and out but I don't use that room too much anyway so not a big deal.

You can search for music with google. Google noticed that alot of searches were about music. Really? They really are smart over there. Google will own the world soon.

Hookers and Blow for Bush. New vid with Bush look alike.

Blabbermouth reports: is reporting that "Gabba Gabba Hey!", the new musical featuring the music of the rock group the RAMONES that debuted in Perth, Australia in August 2004, is headed to the U.S.
Michael Herrmann, who penned the musical's book, told that a showcase performance of "Gabba" will be presented March 19, 2006, at the South By Southwest Festival in Austin, TX. An Off-Broadway run at New York's Zipper Theater is expected in May. Casting for the U.S. productions will be announced at a later date

So much for checking your facts. The war on Christmas that wasn't. Happy Holidays.

Happy B Day to J MASCIS (born Joseph D. Mascis) Dinosaur Jr. and J Mascis & the Fog; Born in 1965.

The title from Stellastarr*'s "sweet troubled soul". I will willing admit I am addicted to this song. Love it. Think underground 80s comeback in all the best ways. The Female backing vocals are way super hot.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Yeah for Hump Day.

Bob sells more of his soul. Bob Dylan now has a show on XM. I just wish someone would want my soul...I don't think it would take much to get mine. I don't think I will ever get satellite but XM seems to do more cool things with music. Sirius is offering Howard Stern? No thanks. I didn't listen to him when he was free. But now he can do anything he sex sex. I can get that as soon as I turn on my computer. Which brings me to the point about not getting Sat Radio. Soon I will be able to get Internet Radio everywhere. That is what I want. So who wants to get an internet radio station up and running now? Ahh Future.

U2 tops concert moneys.

Finally a musical toothbrush. My long wait is over.

Mirosoft patch to fix Song DRM bug.

Is apple holding back the music biz? Whatever and this is why I should rule the world. Cost. You should lower the price. 49 cents at the most. Maybe something closer to 5 cents per download. When good legal downloads are that cheap why would you ever look anywhere else. Too easy. Or maybe something like this from Slate. Is 99 cents too much? Or see Sandy Pearlman's idea.

By the way which one's Pink? Actually it's just Dave. Gilmour out on his own with new CD.

A Semi-Smiths Reunion.
Billboard reports: Smiths guitarist Johnny Marr and bassist Andy Rourke will perform together at an English charity show January 28 for the first time since the legendary act split up in 1987.
Rourke is overseeing the lineup for the Manchester v. Cancer show at the Evening News Arena[see full story for more]-

Welcome to the next DCFC
Aversion reports: The Decemberists will release their next album through Capitol Records.
The indie-rock balladeers will leave Kill Rock Stars for Capitol, according to reports by Pitchfork

Punk Photos

Snow globe equals Holiday Fun.

South Park Generator.

More Later

Sunday, December 11, 2005

yeah and it's deep too

Richard Pryor RIP. I have quite fond memeries of listening to Richard Pryor. I was a wee little lad and had to sneak his tapes into the house. I listened to him with headphones on of course. Just in case my Parents happen to peruse my tape collection I tossed the Pryor sleeve and stuck the tape in something more safe...probably Asia or Styx...anything but Richard Pryor in block letters on the outside. Goodbye Funny Man.

Find the 74 bands in the Picture.

KT Tunstall. Big over across the pond and getting a bit of a following here. Think more mainstream Ani DiFranco with a dash of Sinnead O'Connor.

I mentioned before that Franz Ferdinand were working on CD #3. Here's a podcast about the making of said CD.

A holiday post of MP3s. An Indie Christmas.

More later

The title is the punchline to one of the first jokes I ever heard from Richard Pryor.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Never leave your wingman

Congrats to Pip. Thanks for the 6 Titles.

They retired Scottie Pippens number last night in Chicago. Fitting that his 33 is next to 23.

More later

Friday, December 09, 2005

He can't stay and she wouldn't run

Just in case you live in--say San Diego--and didn't get hit with 6" of snow to make a real snow man. Here's a chance to Make your own snowman.

The World Cup Draw is today and I mentioned that I was going to Germany--with or without tickets and it is for the Soccer and the Beer not the 40,000 extra pros coming to the Country. And speaking of the Beer this is just wrong on soooo many levels. The only Beer will be Bud. I want real beer.

What are the internets for? Take it away Cookie Monster. It's a song from Avenue Q. Great show. You need to see it.

More on upgrading your digital music files.

The Thrills working on CD number three.

Oasis slam Jack White.

Special Ops reports:
On December 20th, Rhino is releasing Phish: New Year’s Eve 1995, Live at Madison Square Garden – a 3-CD set (27 songs, over 3 1/2 hours)!!!
Widely regarded as one of Phish's finest live performances and called one of the "Greatest Concerts of the '90s" by Rolling Stone, their 1995 New Year's Eve show at Madison Square Garden is an amazing collection of the band's finest songs.

Xfm reports:
While Franz Ferdinand may have just played to a quarter of a million of fans over four nights at Alexandra Palace, it hasn’t stopped one of the hardest working bands in the UK already pushing on with their third album.
“We’re already writing some new tunes,” frontman Alex Kapranos told Lauren. “We’ve got a practice room set up at Ally Pally and we’re writing some new tunes. we’ve got two or three…”
“Then we’ll see how many songs we’ve got together but we’re talking about going into the studio at the end of January.

Gigwise reports: Blur are definitely set to make another album together according to bassist Alex James and will head into the studio later this month

Welcome to the future of the live concert. Not being there.
Bon Jovi's December 17 concert in Washington, D.C. will be streamed in its entirety through Sprint's wireless video delivery service. Subscribers to the Sprint MobiTV system will be able to watch for free, while those with Sprint PCS Vision will have the ability to purchase the concert. Sprint is sponsoring the New Jersey band's current tour, and band manager Paul Korzilius says, "The relationship with Sprint not only puts our music in the palm of fans' hands through full-track music downloads and ringers, but now gives them an exclusive opportunity to experience a live Bon Jovi concert. And because this is a sold-out tour, that's the next best thing to having a physical ticket."

Is Courtney Love selling Nirvana songs to Martha? that would just be wrong.

More later

The title is from The Wren's "Uncorrected Proofs" Great driving songs from a great band you should get to know.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

 Posted by Picasa

"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans"

"I believe in God, but not as one thing, not as an old man in the sky. I believe that what people call God is something in all of us. I believe that what Jesus and Mohammed and Buddha and all the rest said was right. It's just that the translations have gone wrong. "
For more Lennon quotes, go here:

John Lennon to be honored...

A great place for stupid Christmas gifts

Jeff Tweedy announces solo west coast tour

How to bypass the IVR systems at many major companies, and speak directly to a human. Who says this site doesn't help you out?

REM and Wilco team up on new album w/ The Minus 5

More Later,

She was going for a ride and I don't mean in a car

Rolling Stone magazine gives us their top ten most surprising Rock moments.

Getting the best out of the rip...or OMG I'm gonna have to burn all my CD tracks again.

More info on Sony's DRM.

ABBA: We will never reform. Now they could just talk to boy bands please.

Word of the Year? PodCast.

Evil monster...evil monster...evil monster...vagina...evil monster...That's normal, right? Ink-blots. What do you see?

This could be the greatest Holiday flash game ever...Sober Santa. and yes I used Holiday on purpose.

If you have been reading you know that I will be purchasing a Plasma soon but what if you want to wait. Not a bad idea. Look what is coming:

Idiot box advances from around the globe. Don't change that channel!

Share the set without using picture-in-picture
Never again battle the wife for the remote. Sharp's Dual-View LCD can show two programs at the same time, both in full-screen view. The trick is made possible by parallax-barrier technology, which makes one image visible only from the left and the other image visible only from the right. Depending on how you're positioned in front of the tube, you might be watching Monday Night Football or 30-Minute Meals With Rachael Ray.

View 3-D displays without the dorky glasses
Toshiba is developing an honest-to-God holographic TV that lets viewers watch shows in 3-D without the old-timey separation of blues and reds. The unit projects stereoscopic images from a flatbed display that, presumably, will revolutionize the way we play video games (remember the chess scene in Star Wars?) and watch shitcoms like According to Jim.

Beyond plasma
Imagine combining the superior picture qual-ity of a CRT and the sexy dimensions of a plasma, and you get the basic idea behind FEDs (field emission displays), an impressive new TV technology being spearheaded by Samsung and Sony. The companies have discovered a way to create itty-bitty carbon nanotubes that produce hi-def images in a svelte package. Toshiba and Canon, meanwhile, are cooking up a similar alternative called SED. Stay tuned.

Analog broadcasts be gone
At first broadcasters were given until December 31, 2006, to abandon the 70-plus-year-old analog spectrum and go totally digital. But thanks to some serious foot-dragging on the part of networks, the deadline has been pushed back to 2009. When the day of reckoning finally arrives, TVs still employing antennas to snatch programming off the airwaves will cease to work. Sorry, poor people.

More later

Title is from Jude's "out of la" Cool and funky and smart.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

This season, leave Santa some cookies and a glass of whiskey

Last night, while looking up Chicago's weather forecast, I found myself thinking… “Ahh… my first Christmas in sunny California!" Which invariably led to, "Hmm... my first company Christmas party in San Diego." Then, "Damn! My first opportunity to make a complete ass of myself at said first company Christmas party in San Diego…”

This distrubing thought had me reflecting on past holiday company parties. Some, I came out smelling like roses - a shining example of professionalism mixed with a healthy dose of brown-nosing. Unfortunately, there were just as many that quite possibly may have lead to those whispers and giggles around the water fountain. So, after a short (and painful) walk down memory lane, I have compiled my own...

Company Christmas Party Survival Guide

  • Make an effort. Your trusty “Adult Film Direcor” t-shirt just won’t cut it, so pick up a sport coat and get a hair-cut. While you’re at it, take a shower you filthy sinner.
  • Keep away from the boss’ wife. Sure you’re dressed in that off-colored blazer and sporting that goofy Dustin Hoffman haircut – but it does not, by any means, entitle you to say ‘hel-lo…’ to Mrs. Robinson.
  • Lay off the tequila shots. For some reason, dirty dancing seems to be perfectly acceptable after a couple of these – and you’re no Patrick Swayze, my friend!
  • Witty and charming does not a dirty joke make. Save the, “…so two gerbils are walking down the street…” joke for the boys.
  • Marvin Gaye will ruin you. Sure, a little ‘Sexual Healing’ paved the road to a few freaky nights in the past, but make no mistake – Marvin could cock-block your career like the worst of haters. You know that secretary that you shared tequila shots with? Well, turns out Don Julio just made her realize that you’re cute enough to fondle… in the middle of the dance floor. With her husband watching.
  • You’re not Steve Perry. Please don’t sing along to Journey. Ever.
  • Keep away from the boss’ wife. I really can’t express the importance of this enough.
  • Know when the party’s over. Don’t be ‘that guy.’ You know, the one that’s yelling out “Shots!” while the bus boys and band are packing up?... Take the obvious cue, then… get your drunken and perverted, poorly dressed and out-of-tune ass home! You’ve done enough damage for one night.
  • ... and stay away from the bosses wife, for Christ's sake!

For all you slackers out there who just can't seem to find the perfect gift for Christmas, this ain't it.

X-Men 3 is coming! And, yes, I am a nerd. (You'll need Quicktime to view)



Monday, December 05, 2005

What are you gonna do with your time now you ain't got time to kill?

Welcome to the age of MySpace. Too bad Murdock just bought this. It's hard to cheer for the man that brought us Fox News (amoung other things.)

File under it's about time. Indie music ok'ed to be used in Podcasts...for now.

Thursday is the 25th anniversary of the Death of John Lennon. Recalling Lennon. I don't know if he would be as loved if he were still alive but man it would be great to hear what he would have put out in the past 25 years. I would have loved to hear what he would have done in the 90s. I am sure because of his death we missed out on some magic.

Gee you couldn't see this happening. Shake up at Sony...why don't they just hire me and be done with it. I would be cheaper. That would help the bottom line.

To get you in the mood. Ugly Christmas Lights. Or check out this display. I don't know if that is cool or not.

Arcade Fire and U2 cover Love will tear us apart. MP3.

World Cup Draw is Friday...anyone for Germany next summer? We might not get tickets but it will be fun just to hit the Beer Gardens and Pubs.

More later

The title is from M. Ward's "HiFi" Great mellow song writer--almost jazzy. Tastey. file him right next to Iron and Wine. I still like last years Transfiguration of Vincent Cd better but this one is a good buy.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Every road takes us further from home

I am not alone in the Sony "is bad this year" feeling. What Sony knew and when.

Be proud of what you worked hard at it. Beerbelly.

How cool would that be to hear your own air guitar song? Very. Virtual air guitar.

Vedder saved by a fisherman.

Gigwise reports: It has been confirmed that Karen Elson the wife of White Stripes main man Jack White is up the duff!!!
According to Star magazine the baby is expected next spring. Also The White Stripes will be Jon Stewarts first musical guest ever on the Daily Show.

David Byrne gets RIAA warning David Byrne

-- ex-Talking Head and odd music impressario -- has been targetted by the RIAA for streaming a radio station that played too much Missy Elliot (the RIAA's approved blanket license for Internet prohibits playing more than four tracks by an artist in a three-hour period). Byrne write eloquently about the hassle of not being able to share the music he loves with his listeners:
In my case the law forbids streaming "radio" that features more than 4 tracks by any one artist in a three-hour period. My guess is that they may have confused streaming with downloading -- in the same way that people often confuse downloading with file sharing. They are afraid that even if it's not downloadable somehow if a fan knows there will be 3 Missy songs at a given time they can prepare their gear and tape them. The assumption being that sale is lost. [I've been informed that the fear is less sensible than that -- it is that if you know you can hear a specific artist whenever you want, then the reasoning is you would never buy their records.]
Back in the day I used my boom box to tape things off the radio all the time -- that's how I found out about music I didn't know about, and eventually I not only bought those records, but ended up promoting them, too. Which made a fair amount of money for some record labels -- but not for me. Not complaining, though.

The Dead change their minds (kinda) about free downloads.

Sufjan Stevens MP3 of a Christmas tune. "Come on let's boogey to the Elf dance"

Great Flash about Monks and Vikings. German heavy metal soundtrack that has really just one sentence in the tune and includes the word Mother F*(k. Still worth watching.

the title is from Iron and Wine's "On Your Wings"

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

It's everything that is connected and beautiful and now I know where I stand

to be idle is good. If that sentence sounds good to you then this magazine is for you. The idler.

The fire fart...a video of what it sounds like.

Best word book ever...with a few changes. I remember this book from growing up. the more things change the more they change.

Deadheads not happy with changes about free download site being asked to stop. And in a related post. Thor lights a fatty. Since I'm on a Thor kick--Thor the Rock Warrior.

Reason number 45 not to date a singer. Check out Giant Drag's Kevin is Gay. Yes it's about her ex. Or try here at Or try the Hype Machine. Enjoy.

MP3 of My Morning Jacket "One Big Holiday"
and if you want a taste of the new Belle and Sebastian here it is "another sunny day". It sounds just like B and S. So hopefully that makes you happy.

New Shins soon. They are in Albuquerque now recording with Phil Ek, who produced 2003's Chutes too Narrow.

More later

Title from the driving song from Silverspun Pickups "Kissing Families"

Monday, November 28, 2005

I hear the radio is finally gonna play Neeeww Music--you know the British invasion

Rock and Roll Hall announce inductees.

How to sell out. The u2 and maybe the correct way.

madonna tops "the King". It just took her a bit longer.

How cool is this. I really can't wait. Honestly. Should be good. I hope it's good. Pickin' on Def Leppard. File under: Def Bluegrass.

and File this one under: Duet in hell or this is what ruining record biz not piracy. reports: Won't somebody PLEASE think of the children? Not content to leave an already awful song alone, Bryan Adams and Pamela Anderson are re-recording 'Baby When You're Gone', originally done with ex Spice Girl Mel C. Cary Sherman

The PRP reports: The Queens Of The Stone Age will be performing their current single "Burn The Witch" live on the "The Tonight Show With Jay Leno" on Monday, November 28th (tonight). Billy Gibbons of ZZ Top and Chris Goss of Masters Of Reality fame will both take part in the performance.

Xmas the Lion. Pedro the Lion does Christmas. Cool Yule.

Check out the Kooks. They are Brit ‘rock/pop’ and fortunately-- they aren’t another quirky eighties wannabe band. Instead the sound is more of a 60’s vibe, a hint of Rolling Stones, with some guitar solos. The songs have a glowing, sunshine sound. Yeah 60s met the 80s

More later

The title is from the punks X's "I must not think bad thoughts" X was one of the tragically overlooked American bands of the 1980s--change that right now. I put X just under the Clash.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

a quick and lazy Sunday Post.

this is a great post about a movie experience. We have all had something like this. Bad word case your eyes have yet to experience bad words. Very Funny.

Merry Christmas Brad Pitt: From Angelina. Does it matter if it's true?

Stickman plays hoops. Nike ad. Very cool.

Go Bears.

More later

Google v Bush:
Go to, type "Failure" into the search engine and press the "I'm feeling Lucky" button. What do you get?

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Rule #76: No excuses. Play like a champion!

So I finally made it to the Vanguard over the holiday. I went and saw Brad Mehldau. If you know him at all you know him from his radiohead covers. He has a jazz trio and played a short set with mostly originals. The trio did play Paul Simon's "Fifty ways to leave your lover" and Radiohead's "Knives out". For the life of me I couldn't hear the PS tune but I will believe him that it was what they were covering. Or maybe it was jazz humor.

The Vanguard is a small death trap but not a bad seat in the house. They pack you in so make sure you like the people you bring to the venue. The mixed drinks were small but alcohol heavy. We were literally right behind Brad. If I wanted to I could have easily touched him with just one step. The stage is barely a stage. I would high reccommend you not only see The Brad Mehldau Trio (his tour) but when in NYC get to the Vanguard. It's history is dripping. Oh he has a new drummer and he is awesome.

Zero 7 links. Live performances etc.

Ringtones are the new singles. From rolling stone.

Scotch tape beats Sonys protection.

iTunes rank number 7 in music sales.

late I know but RIP Chris Whitley and Link Ray. Long may you jam.

Blabbermouth reports: JUDAS PRIEST frontman Rob Halford is strongly rumored to have been tapped to play the role of "Dr. X" on QUEENSRŸCHE's sequel to their platinum 1988 concept album, "Operation: Mindcrime", tentatively titled "Operation: Mindcrime II". In case you don't know Operation Mindcrime was the Hair Metal "Wall". A concept album about Mind Control involving a Nun. Always a nice touch.

More later

The quote is from the Wedding Crashers. Nice film-- full of moments and quotes. I laughed alot too. Always a good thing for a comedy.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happy Turkey Day

Enjoy your family, Friends and Football.

William S Burroughs "Thanksgiving Prayer". Not quite safe--c'mon it's Burroughs. QuickTime--vid

The Turkey Fryer of Death.

have a great day.

More later

Sunday, November 20, 2005

I took the bullet-- I killed a shark

Pirates in Paradise Festival. Civil War re-enactments are depressing. Renaissnce Festivals are just plain...weird. But Pirates--In Key West. Road trip.

Another Canadian Band to get to know. The Constantines. MP3 of "Love of Fear." Not their best song but they have a great cd out now. it's called "Tournament of Hearts". Check them out. Another MP3 "On To You"

I haven't given a shout out to a book for awhile so...Check out Full Metal Jacket Diary by Matthew Modine. As you can probably guess it's about the Stanley Kubrick film. If you are fan you should read it and even if you are just a film junkie you will get something out of it.

Top Thirty Facts about Chuck Norris. Funny. Funny. Funny.

Bubbles in Color. Just imagine Black.

Why did the Beatles Break up? John? Paul? Yoko?

Money to burn...hey that is why they are rockstars. They need to spend their millions somehow.

The Cure plans to hit the studio in January to record its next album, according to a post from frontman Robert Smith on the group's Web site

File this under: Now if a few others would follow in her footsteps or this is just press so that in a few years when she records again it will be "news"
Contact Music reports: KELLY OSBOURNE has reportedly decided to turn her back on her music career because she doesn't need anymore money after working throughout her teenage years.
The daughter of BLACK SABBATH rocker OZZY starred in MTV reality TV show THE OSBOURNES and has since appeared in TV drama LIFE AS WE KNOW IT and released two albums.

Guitarist the Edge from the legendary Irish band U2 has teamed up with famed producer Bob Ezrin, Gibson Guitar and Guitar Center retail store to establish Music Rising, a charity that supplies instruments to New Orleans musicians affected by Hurricane Katrina.
The guitarist’s first trip to New Orleans was in 1981 on a tour stop for U2’s first album Boy and has become a regular visitor to the city. “New Orleans is a crucible for great music,” says the Edge. “The idea that it would be just a place of history for music is awful to me. Coming from Dublin in the Seventies, when music was something you had to search out, I'd never dreamt that somewhere like New Orleans could exist. Music was coming out of the walls. It seemed not just a form of escapism, but like it was weaved into everybody's life.”
Ezrin, who has produced albums for Pink Floyd, Alice Cooper, KISS and Jane’s Addiction, decided to create the program with the Edge to bring back the music that served as the life-blood for the city for so long. “We both concluded instantly that the human disaster was indescribable,” Ezrin says, “but what was being wiped out at the same time was the culture of the entire region.”
Music Rising plans to expand to reach local churches, marching bands and schools after every instrument that was lost in the disaster is replaced. Anyone interested in making a donation can do so at

More later

The title is from a wonderfully sad song about love or not quite love returned. We've all been there. "Melt" for Phil Roy.

Friday, November 18, 2005

You fell in love--in the key of C

Amazon is has a deal for anyone that is not happy with their Sony CDs.

Top 40 Groups in America 2005 edition. It's a good list if you are wondering where to start.

College Radio. Has it changed? How? From Slate.

This is a fun Friday thing from Pitchfork. Worst Album Art Ever. and now hear from the man who invented the Album Cover.

Songs for your funeral. The list. You know what's strange is that I have a Playlist called "Songs for my Funeral" I think my funeral is going to rock. I am also putting money aside for barrels of Guiness and Smithwicks.

What is up with the Flaming Lips?

Now just in time for the weekend...a quiz. What age do you act?

Video. The National. abel. Enjoy.

MP3. "Cowbell" by Tapes n Tapes.

More later

The title is from Wilco's "Shot in the arm"...get their lastest live cd which just came out. Called Kicking Television. Wonderful live versions of Wilco. Thanks boys.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

The Evil Monkey wasn't always evil...

Greetings all! First off, I'd like to thank A Glorious Mess for bringing me into the fold - thanks for the intro, Bro.

So, it's agreed that Sony and their rootkit malware suck - here's a way to prevent this from infecting you like that cheap floozy from Tuesday's quarter beer night... 1.) Boycott Sony, which seems to be the popular consensus here, or 2.) follow these steps.

The Hold Steady. Coming to a seedy bar near you...

Tour de New York? I wonder how many pro-cyclists would finish this course...

My own Star Wars submission...

Your parents aren't that into you...

Ever thought, "I'm gonna build my own sex machine!"? Here's how! Oh, and it's educational...

Thanks everyone, this was really freakin' Smurf!

More later

Evil Monkey

Friday, November 11, 2005

Just a Friday post

Sorry but we haven't had a Star Wars post for a bit.

Swearing Contest. I think the video may have been altered. Not safe for work but quite funny. If you like bad words.

Info on Saul Williams. Also check the videos on the page of Saul and My Morning Jacket. Nice.

The OC. Better then your local radio station. I can hear you all saying "duh" at the same time.

Cash's daughter not happy about the way First Wife is depicted in Film. I haven't seen this yet but it is on the short list once it is released.

Well Done Sony. New Virus uses Sony Malware. I told you we should boycott Sony.

Reuters reports:
Former Beatle Paul McCartney is to broadcast live into space from a U.S. concert to two astronauts circling the globe.
He will play "Good Day Sunshine" and one of his latest songs, "English Tea," to NASA astronaut Bill McArthur and Russian cosmonaut Valery Tokarev who are on an international space station 220 miles above the earth

I might have to bring my mullet back to watch this:
Blabbermouth reports:
"Heavy Metal Parking Lot", widely considered to be one of the greatest rock 'n' roll movies of all time, has finally been made available on DVD. Filmed in 1986 at a Maryland concert arena parking lot before a JUDAS PRIEST concert, "Heavy Metal Parking Lot" is an unvarnished anthropological study of American metalheads in their mid-'80s glory. This limited-edition DVD includes a pristine digital-video transfer of the original uncut 16-minute documentary, plus over two hours of exclusive content! Viewer discretion: explicit language, drug references and loud music.

Video of Krista Detor's "Mudshow". Think female Leonard Cohen. You can preview the songs on her website too.

have a great weekend.
More later

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

We Welcome yet another Monkey

Welcome Evil Monkey...Welcome to our messy little corner of the world. Looking forward to your posts

I don't know what to do...Well I know what I am going to do but it hurts. I am a bit--how shall I say it?--tight with money. I am looking at HD TV for many reasons but let's just say it's going to get done.

So I start my research and it turns out that I will have to spend more on this TV then I paid for my first car. I am hurting. I will be spending alot but not Steve's Theatre alot. Not even close.

Another thing--I have a feeling once I see the Plasma in action-- I will have to rewatch every movie I have ever seen. How on Earth will I ever get through my queue at NetFlix which is at 157 or so if I have to go back and watch movies over again.

On the bright side...Super Bowl party at Bro's house.

Enough about my "troubles" on to the wall of Boobies. For the man that forgot his girlfriends size. How very thoughtful.

First Ringo now Lennon. John Lennon's solo work to go digital.

More later

Saturday, November 05, 2005

I'm just a fool--a fool in love with you

a fix released by Sony for it's cloaked DRM. I've said it before and will again...they (the record companies) just don't get it.

Can Neil Diamond pull off a J. Cash?

Shout Out Louds get a shout out in NYTs.

I think this is the first sign of the "End of Days". Federline rap online. this is me curling up in a ball and sucking my thumb.

Lohan and Leto in new Lennon Film.

Ready to really search smartly for the music you want? LookSmart.

Interesting Pearl Jam blog.

Press Release reports:
The Gourds, who according to the Village Voice “are all about wrapping the traditional in the eccentric and unexpected,” have completed their eighth album. The CD, titled Heavy Ornamentals, will hit the streets on January 24, 2006 on Eleven Thirty Records through Redeye Distribution. In a day of digital everything, the band recorded the album in glorious analog, with singer/bassist/songscribe Jimmy Smith citing, “People don’t leave mistakes in anymore. Everything sounds so perfect it requires less and less talent on the part of the performer.”
The 13 new songs on Heavy Ornamentals form a Gourdian knot of material written by chief band scribes Jimmy Smith and Kevin Russell. The tunes bear the traditional touch of knotty beats and poetic non-sequiturs for lyrics. With the band’s influences sewn as patchwork hearts on tattered sleeves, Doug Sahm and Johnny Thunders emerge as culture heroes while Schoolhouse Rock, Vincent Van Gogh and Typhoid Mary inspire verses, and an old favorite returns. The Gourds will tour nationally in spring and summer

Diane Cluck "Easy to Be Around" MP3.

Bishop Allen "Come Clean" live. and a cover of Ring of Fire.

The ultimate Jello Shot. A science project.

Stack the Cats...flash game. Think Tetris with Cats.

Bird Flu...just to make Rummy Millions? C'mon Really? This WH just gets worse and worse and just think we have a few more years of this too.

More later

The title is from Death Cab for Cutie's cover of "Earth Angel" it can be found on the soundtrack to Stubbs the Zombie. It is a very cool cd. Check it out. You will want to buy it. Cool covers of cool tunes by cool bands.

A big welcome back to HM...missed you brother man.
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Yeah, that's right.

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Long time no we go....

After a brief sabbatical, I am back to my old posting self. This past weekend I got to see the reformed Black Crowes show and they were better than I ever remembered. If it wasn't for getting a ticket, having my car get towed, and receiving damage to my car as a result of that tow, It would have been a perfect night.

PJ w/ Robert Plant doing "Fool In The Rain" at HOB 10/5/05, Camera phone quality, but at least it is something to tide us over till the "official" dvd comes out.....

A little bit of "Porch" from PJ's HOB show...

Peter Gabriel rejoining Genesis? This could be cool, but probably won't be

Another catchy diddy from our friends in the far east....

Wilco's first live album available for pre-order, Kicking Television - Live in Chicago

In related news:
Jeff Tweedy solo tour

Johnny B. back on the Loop? I'm still going to satellite...

Bobby Brown & Mike Tyson performing "Monster Mash"?! This IS scary.....

More later, HelperMonkey

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Slippery when wet indeed..

Great costume.

Holy Balls are the record companies stupid...and mean. Now there's DRM Trojan Horse encoded in CDs. Watch out for the latest from My Morning Jacket's "Z". Which you should own as it is certainly one to the best CDs of the year. Sony shame on you. More on Sony's "protection" from cNet.

thank god for the internet and iPods and PodCasting and...because you ain't getting much Rock from radio. A Story from Rolling Stone.

info on new Beatles Bio.

Gigwise reports:
The 1967 concert that saw Bob Dylan go electric for the very first time is set to be released on a Live DVD.
The legendary appearance at the Newport Folk Festival is part of the ‘Festival!’ documentary which was shot between 1963 and 1966 by Murray Lerner and which also features performances by Joan Baez, Donovan, Peter, Paul & Mary and Johnny Cash.[

Contact Music reports:
Classic rockers CREAM's reunion shows in New York City last week (24-26OCT05) look set to break new records at Madison Square Garden.
The shows - Cream's first US dates in 37 years - were monster box office hits, grossing more than $10.6 million

The Male "O" Face...yes that "O"

MP3. "Free Man Now" From Southern B!tch. Rawk-n-Roll.
Jah Division "Dub will tear us apart"
Castanets "All that I know"

More later

Monday, October 31, 2005


Happy Halloween

Weird on the web. 100 odd sites from yahoo

Head Shoulders Knees and Toes. Flash vid of said song as done by U2 (well kinda)

Playing football with the brothers Chap.

MasturBakers. I love me some nuts... or try the Erotic Bakery.

Yo Yo champ.

more later

Sunday, October 30, 2005

A nice day to rake leaves then jump in them

World's Shortest and Best Fairy Tale:
Once upon a time, a guy asked a girl "Will you marry me?"
The girl said "NO!"
And the guy lived happily ever after, went fishing and hunting a lot, and drank beer whenever he wanted.

I am unable to keep my lunch down. Now I love money as much as the next but c'mon this is terrible. 45 million an hour. Exxon aren't the only bastards out there. Shell. Chevron. ConocoPhillips. and yes there are more but I don't have the time to list them all. Maybe we should think about getting away from Fossil Fuels?

And to get you ready for tomorrow. Happy Halloween. Remember timing is everything.

Top earning Dead Celebs.

PG to put together Opening for World Cup.

If you have read this blog at all you know I am a MusicHead. I love KEXP and that is my dream job. No playlist. I pick what I play. Many years ago I did have that and it was amazing. I truly miss those days. Maybe radio will change? Yeah right Bro-- Hell even Satellite is playlisted and they aren't even live most of the time either (it's called Voice Tracking or here and it happens everywhere...I bet your favorite station does it. The way it happens is the dj records "the breaks" on a computer then plugs it into the machine to play at a later time.). It is a sad time for music lovers indeed. Anyway this is another article on how cool KEXP is.

More later

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

New Releases for 10-24

David Byrne and Fatboy Slim to do a musical about former Philippine first lady Imelda Marcos.

Have you ever wanted to smell like Marilyn Manson? Here is your chance.

this is pretty cool. What are designers listening too?

NY DJ RX splices W's words with Sunday Bloody Sunday.

Back to the Future...Lego.

New Releases.
Rogue Wave. Rogue Wave. Rogue Wave and This Bird has flown. Then save your hard earned pennies for later.

Antony and the Johnsons - You Are My Sister [EP] (Secretly Canadian)
David Dondero - South of the South (Team Love Records)
Earlies - These Were The Earlies (Secretly Canadian)
The Fiery Furnaces - Rehearsing My Choir (Rough Trade Us)
Fischerspooner - The Other Side New York (Breakbeat Science)
George Harrison - The Concert for Bangladesh [LIVE] [ORIGINAL RECORDING REMASTERED] (Capitol)
The Jam - At the BBC (Fontana)
My Life With the Thrill Kill Kult - Gay, Black & Married (Rykodisc)
Rogue Wave - Descended Like Vultures (Sub Pop)
She Wants Revenge - She Wants Revenge (Geffen Records)
Tom Vek - We Have Sound (Star Time)
Various Artists - Electronic Tribute to Depeche Mode (Vitamin Records)
Various Artists - Lagniappe: A Saddle Creek Benefit for Hurricane Katrina (Saddle Creek)Various Artists - This Bird Has Flown: A 40th Anniversary Tribute to the Beatles' Rubber Soul (Razor and Tie)

More later

Monday, October 24, 2005

New Marley song on new greatest hits collection. It's a song with Eric Clapton too. It's called "Slogans". More on the new tune from Bob. Bob Marley Hates me and you probably.

How much would you pay for a lunch box designed by Micheal Stipe of REM. If you said 19,000 Pounds (which if my math is correct is about 30,000 US dollars) you would have been outbid by Chris Martin of Coldplay. There may be a few left at

this a bummer...the Special Big Lebowski DVD isn't too special.

If, like me, you have Mix Tapes. Yes Mix Tapes then you might just want to check this out. Plusdeck. They have developed a dashboard style tapedeck that connects to your computer and you can transfer the tape to MP3.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

it's a rainy saturday

The Bard insults you.

Homer is Omar. The Simpsons have been changed for Arab TV.

I would break in half. The wiggliest person ever.

iTunes will never last on top...well they are trying to stay there. The Video iPod is awesome and now they are on campus--this could be huge. Stanford on iTunes.

Music does a body good.

Top 20 concerts.

A review of Iron and Wine/Calexico latest.

Unreleased Elliot Smith Tunes leak onto the internets.

Pearl Jam given ok for Brazilian concerts.

First video shot entirely with cellphones. by POTUS.

I mentioned Elbow before how about a few MP3s.
Leaders of the world.
Forget myself.
enjoy. I smell top ten of the year.

The Live 8 DVD will hit stores on November 8th. The 4-disc set contains three discs of live footage taken from the Live 8 shows staged in London and Philadelphia alongside key highlights from the seven other events staged across the world. Every artist who performed at London's Hyde Park and Philadelphia's Museum Of Art appear on the DVD, many of them with their full sets. The fine folks at Special Ops just sent us over the full tracklisting which you will find below!
Paul McCartney & U2 -Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
U2 - Beautiful Day
U2 - Vertigo
U2 - One
Coldplay - In My Place
Coldplay with Richard Ashcroft - Bittersweet Symphony
Coldplay - Fix You
Elton John - The Bitch Is Back
Elton John - Saturday Night's Alright For Fighting
Elton John with Pete Doherty -Children Of The Revolution
Dido & Youssou N'Dour - 7 Seconds
Stereophonics - Bartender And The Thief
REM - Everybody Hurts
REM - Man On The Moon
Ms Dynamite - Dy-Na-Mi-Tee
Keane - Somewhere Only We Know
Black Eyed Peas - Where Is The Love
Black Eyed Peas - Let's Get It Started
Black Eyed Peas with Stephen Marley -Get Up Stand Up
Duran Duran - Wild Boys (Rome)
Bob Geldof - I Don't Like Mondays
Muse - Time Is Running Out (Paris)
Travis - Sing
Kaiser Chiefs - I Predict A Riot
Kaiser Chiefs - Everyday I Love You Less And Less
UB40 with Hunterz & The Dohl Blasters - Reasons
UB40 - Red Red Wine
Green Day -American Idiot (Berlin)
Snoop Dogg - Signs
Snoop Dogg - Who Am I (What's My Name)?
Bon Jovi - Livin' On A Prayer
Annie Lennox - Why
Annie Lennox - Sweet Dreams

Destiny's Child - Survivor
Destiny's Child -Girl
Razorlight - Somewhere Else
Razorlight - Golden Touch
Bryan Adams - All For Love (Toronto)
Kanye West - Diamonds From Sierra Leone
CBC Ethiopian Famine Film
Madonna - Like A Prayer
Madonna - Ray Of Light
Madonna - Music
Will Smith - Getting' Jiggy Wit It
Will Smith - Switch
Will Smith - The Fresh Prince Of Bel Air
Brian Wilson - Good Vibrations (Berlin)
Snow Patrol - Run
Toby Keith - Stays In Mexico
The Killers - All These Things That I've Done
Dave Matthews Band - American Baby
Daniel Powter - Bad Day (Berlin)
Linkin Park - In The End
Linkin Park with Jay-Z - Numb
Joss Stone - Super Duper Love
Joss Stone - Some Kind Of Wonderful
Jars Of Clay - Show You Love
Scissor Sisters - Laura
Scissor Sisters - Take Your Mama
Alicia Keys - For All We Know
Velvet Revolver - Fall To Pieces
Def Leppard - Pour Some Sugar On Me
Jet - Are You Gonna Be My Girl? (Toronto)
Sarah McLachlan & Josh Groban - Angel
Sting - Message In A Bottle
Sting - Driven To Tears
Sting - Every Breath You Take

Mariah Carey - Make It Happen
Mariah Carey - Hero
Vusi Mahlasela - When You Come Back (Johannesburg)
Roxy Music - Do The Strand (Berlin)
Maroon 5 - This Love
Maroon 5 - She Will Be Loved
Neil Young - Four Strong Winds (Toronto)
Pet Shop Boys - Go West (Moscow)
Robbie Williams - We Will Rock You
Robbie Williams - Let Me Entertain You
Robbie Williams -Feel
Robbie Williams - Angels
Keith Urban - Somebody Like You
Placebo - Twenty Years (Paris)
Rob Thomas - Lonely No More
Faithless - We Come 1 (Berlin)
Stevie Wonder - Master Blaster (Jammin')
Stevie Wonder & Rob Thomas - Higher Ground
Stevie Wonder & Adam Levine - Signed Sealed Delivered
Stevie Wonder -So What The Fuss/Superstition
The Who - Who Are You?
The Who - Won't Get Fooled Again
Pink Floyd - Speak To Me
Pink Floyd - Breathe
Pink Floyd - Money
Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here
Pink Floyd - Comfortably Numb
Paul McCartney - Get Back
Paul McCartney & George Michael -Drive My Car
Paul McCartney - Helter Skelter
Paul McCartney - The Long And Winding Road
Finale - Hey Jude

Edinburgh - The Final Push
Highlights from the Murrayfield concert held on 6 July
McFly - All About You (Tokyo)
Good Charlotte - Lifestyles Of The Rich And Famous (Tokyo)
Dreams Come True - Love Love Love (Tokyo)
Bjork - All Is Full Of Love (Tokyo)
The Who - 'Who Are You?' film
Travis - 'Why Does It Always Rain On Me?' film
Ricky Gervais - Enjoy The DayBehind The Scenes At Hyde Park
Pink Floyd rehearsal

Blabbermouth reports: The limited number of fan club-only pre-sale tickets for THE BLACK CROWES' first-ever New Year's Eve show at Madison Square Garden sold out in a matter of minutes — even though nine hours were allotted for the pre-sale — this week through the band's web site ( Fans of THE BLACK CROWES still have an opportunity to get great seats when the majority of tickets go on sale to the public on Saturday, October 22 at 9 a.m. EST.

More later