Wednesday, January 18, 2006

A welcome to a new blogger?

So the other day I got a sneak peak at Why We Fight. It's a new doc about The American War Machine. It ventures into a bit of Mike Moore territory but it doesn't seem to pull the emotional "I will take you somewhere I want you to go" thing. It was inspired by Dwight Eisenhower's farewell address. Afterward there was a Q and A with Eugene Jarecki--the filmmaker. You should check it out. We really do need to do something about DC.

Also Love Monkey. It's a new show based on a book by Kyle Smith. Note to self I need to check that book out. I have heard from someone I trust that I need to check out the new show. They also said that after watching the show they said the main character could be based on me. I like that. It's nice to have people thinking about a good light. I will be watching it soon. It is on my DVR but love the idea. Jerry McGuire for the music biz. Plus I loved Ed. I also love the fact that on the website they list all the music played on the show--and I see that Ben Folds will be on the next episode. Good music will get you.

Also I heard a rumor that a female type person will be joining our humble little blog. When and if she joins us please be nice. Looking forward to a bit of estrogen on this site.

a few cool pics of things on the cusp of being blown up.

Who killed the Video Star?

More later

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