Thursday, March 20, 2008


in case you haven't been following or are too lazy to YouTube it yourself. Here it is...pure sexiness in bottle form.

I want to wish everyone a glorious Bracket. Here's to hoops.


Megs said...

I watched the first clip last night. But the second clip was pretty damn cool. The other night I was talking Greg, the bartender who gave me my first Guinness, and he was telling me about how Guinness has a different recipe for each country almost. I remember friends from Ireland joking that it's different back home. Now, I must go to Dublin to have the real thing. Someday I will.

cbro said...

Have you checked out Obama's picks? Not a bad final four. I heard he won the Senate bracket last year. I linked to it under the NEWS section of

Megs said...

Obama's bracket ain't too bad. But I think I'm with President Clinton about G'town. I find UCLA and UNC to be rather overrated. And apparently, McCain did a bracket.

cbro said...

Kate has GTown going all the way too...sorry about Maryland getting spanked in the NIT.