Thursday, August 31, 2006

Heading to Chicago

for a long weekend. So if you are in Chi-Town and want to meet up at the Map Room I will be there on Friday night. It used to be my watering hole but now that I live in NY its a bit hard to venture there often. Looking forward to renewing an old friendship. See you tomorrow night. Whats the cask conditioned ale this week?

Nirvana v Pearl Jam. The debate continues.

Short Skirt Long Jacket by Cake. How do you feel about? The New York version. C'mon it has the naked cowboy in this video.

Free Albums galore. Free. Full Albums. Galore. Many. Enjoy and your welcome.

Beatles number one. Sorry Pepper is good but Revolver is much better.

Now for something completely different. Hot Dog infused Vodka.

Sarah Silverman. Not always funny but this song is quite enjoyable. German Cars. The opposite of FUBU. Watch out because she does drop the N word.

More later

Where The Hell is Matt? A good waste of time.

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