Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Does Satan wear a suit and tie or does he work at the Dairy Queen

The Alphabet of Life. So true.

Mr Twitcho poor Mr Twitcho. A few bad words--ok more than a few but funny.

Worst ways to break up with the girlfriend.

and we should of course follow that link with: Breaking down the Female Orgasm. Is it just for fun?

a recreation with legos. Based on a true story.

File this one under WTF? A great and funny headline but sad and I wish it were a Mad Max film. I just don't get people sometimes. thanks to B for the heads up. the last headline was sad and funny this one is just plain funny.

Music in the public Domain. Enjoy.

Gumby's 50 damnit.

Larry David on Bolton. Not the singer although that would be a funny nomination for the UN and is it just me or every time you hear that name you think of the movie "Office Space". OK I guess it is just me.

Well it is Tuesday and Tuesday means new realeases:
Tuesday, May 17, 2005

NEW RELEASES - 05.17.05
Kind of a slow week, but you should still be trying to catch up from the first two weeks of May. Anyway, I would recommend starting with the Def Leppard collection of course and remember they will soon be releasing a cover album. Sweet.
The Brian Jonestown Massacre - We Are The Radio (Tee Pee Records)
Clearlake - Wonder If The Snow Will Settle EP (Domino)
Def Leppard - Rock of Ages: The Definitive Collection (Mercury)
Gang Of Four - Entertainment! [Rhino Expanded] [Remastered] (Rhino)
Juliette & the Licks - You're Speaking My Language (Fiddler)
Poi Dog Pondering - The Best of Poi Dog Pondering: The Austin Years (Sony)
System of a Down - Mezmerize (Sony)
Paul Westerberg - Besterberg: Best of Paul Westerberg (Rhino)

More later
Since its almost half the year I think I might post my fav CDs of the year so far. Any hints drop me a line.

There are some many great lines in Martin Sexton's "hallelujah". That is where I got todays title.

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