an addictive game of
Ice Breakout.
I am only linking to this because one of the weirdest/ coolest nights I ever spent in college involved
Biggles. Don't ask. Really don't. In fact, you can just keep scrolling down. Really Don't worry about it. I am just doing this for my own memory lane purposes. Sorry to involve you in this.
Biggles by Monty Python.
I really didn't think I was going to link to another Lightsabre link but I guess just one more wouldn't hurt. The
Light Sabre Umbrella.
name that tune--for a price. Not sure who sings a song you are listening to. well just dail the number and hold your cellphone to the speaker for 15 seconds. Your answer will come shortly.
DVD Doc of Death Cab for Cutie.How to brew beer in a coffe pot. Any takers here? I haven't tried it so if you do let me know. how it goes.
Feel good story of the year.
The Crow and the Cat.Guess the Movie. A game.
more later
an interesting article:
MEET the new yuppie: the urban striver who listens to "O.C."-approved indie rock,checks the right blogs to find out about "secret" rock shows, considers white iPodearbuds the ultimate fashion accessory - and is a lawyer with a mortgage and a baby onthe way.
Whereas once a yuppie was defined as being part of the establishment - think the '80scorporate drone who wore power suits, watched "thirtysomething" and loved thesoundtrack to "The Big Chill" - today's yuppie strenuously identifies with all thingscounterculture.
The strain was first identified a few weeks ago by Vice Records label manager AdamShore, who derided what he called the newly created "indie-yuppie establishment" in aninterview with the Columbia Spectator.
He tagged offenders as anyone who identifies themselves through their love of what heconsiders the ultimate in polite, passive alternative rock: bands like the Shins, theArcade Fire and the Postal Service that he derides as "comfy music."
Shore's original comments were picked up by Scott Lapatine, who runs the heavilytrafficked music blog
Stereogum's subsequent contest 'You Might Be an Indie-Yuppie If You . . ." receivedthe most responses Lapatine has ever gotten to a single post.
"If you can afford New York City rents and can go to these rock shows, you aredefinitely an indie-yuppie," says Lapatine, who fully admits to being one himself.
"I just bought a ticket for the Death Cab for Cutie show at Central Park, and it cost$35 - at what point is that indie?"
In other words, you must be an active, contributing member of society who considersyour iTunes library an extension of yourself and who turns up for work at 10 a.m. -though you may be hung over from last night's secret Gang of Four show at the TribecaGrand Hotel.
"I was like, 'Oh, my God! That's me!'" says entrant Tanya Manchini, a 31-year-oldeditor from Hoboken (who admits she was relieved the Nine Inch Nails show she saw onMonday night ended early).
"I crossed the line when I stopped dressing in thrift store clothing and startedappreciating shoes by Michael Kors," she adds.
Still, she says, "it's hard to reconcile yourself to it when you came up through thecollege radio punk scene, and then you grow up to become a person with disposableincome. It really hit home."
Manchini says that the indie-yuppie has replaced the conventional idea of yuppiedom -as does fellow entrant Georgiana Cohen, a 25-year-old Web content producer.
"I'm marginally guilty," admits Cohen, who points to her CD collection ("I've got afew Bright Eyes CDs from 2000, before he was everyone's Jesus Christ") and her love ofthe movie "Garden State" as proof.
"That movie is like the 'Citizen Kane' of indie culture," she says. "You have NataliePortman's character saying that the Shins will change your life. And it dealt withthat kind of ennui - [like] that Gen X malaise ten years ago. It's a badge thing - tosay you saw 'Garden State' three times! In a theater!"
Many newly minted indie-yuppies say the statement they most related to was "You mightbe an indie-yuppie if you put on a CD and secretly pray that you'll like it."
It's a comment speaks to the effort involved in being an indie-yuppie, and the deludedself-esteem that can only come from knowing that you should like the Arcade Fire, orthat Bright Eyes backlash is setting in.
Self-described indie-yuppie Ben Garvey, 26 ("I have a mortgage and just went to seeBuilt to Spill"), blames the Internet.
"Any dork can sit at home and find out about new bands - it's just easier to stay ontop of things," he says. "There would definitely be fewer indie-yuppies if not for theWeb."
But Vice's Shore says that he thinks the phenomenon goes beyond the conspicuousconsumption of the right CD while wearing $200 jeans and sipping an iced chai latte.
He's disturbed, he says, by the sheer level of politeness and sensitivity that hasovertaken indie rock - which, in the '80s and '90s, was defined by coarse, reactionarybands like Nirvana, Soundgarden and even Pavement.
"Why is it that when we're at war, and we have an administration that's so againstyouth, that music isn't harder and more abrasive?" Shore asks. "Now everyone wants tobe the Shins. I just don't get it."
The 33-year-old label exec - who, for the record, says he's not an indie-yuppie ("Idon't require that kind of comfort in my music") - says he was surprised by thereaction he elicited on Stereogum.
"I obviously touched a nerve," he says, adding that he never meant to sparkhipster-on-hipster Web violence. "I was just trying to say that indie music has gonesoft - I mean, it can't get any softer."
But it may be too late: many indie-yuppies are now re-examining just what their CDcollections, viewing habits and fashion choices say about them.
"If you wear Shins pins on your messenger bag or your lapels, it's like saying, 'Lookwho I like! Here are my loyalties!'" says entrant Cohen, who cops to such accessories.
But, she says, she draws the line at owning an iPod.
"I have a different brand of MP3 player, because white earbuds are a theft target -but also because I don't want to be 'that person,'" she says. "I don't want anyone tothink I'm some kind of hipster elitist."
a cool ad for speakers.
and check out the hair.
Phil baby you need to make a lasting impression.
Don't worry I know what I'll do -- replies Mr Spector.
I know you have
one of these stations in your hometown. They are safe but a step in the right direction.
and today I end with the only way I could end.
Bush and Blair redo Gay Bar by electric 6. Enjoy.