Sunday, February 20, 2005

We were lovers--we were kissers-- we were holders of hands--we were make believers

Title of last post was from Longwave "Here it comes" Alot of great lines in that one and a great driving tune.

How to be a bum. Just in time for work on Monday. You're Welcome.

This is like a glance into another world. A "genius" explains.

You know about the Gates in NYC how about The Sommerville Gates. Now to compare and contrast.

So earlier this morning I was listening to Bob Schneider's "Lonelyland" and I must say that it should be required listening. It has always been a favorite and its not like I forgot it but I have alot to listen to so...sometimes I need a reminder. Let me put it this way--every song has magic. Plus he is a very cool guy. I got a chance to interview him awhile ago. If this information is new to you please go to where you buy music and purchase that CD. It is so very good that if you don't instantly fall in love with it--email me and I will buy it from you and find it a good home with someone. Yes it is that good. Happy listening.

More later and have a glorious rest of your Sunday and a wonderful Monday
Peace Off
PS: I am at 990 hits and will have the mix ready soon.

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