Friday, September 21, 2007

Victor's NEXT Answers

I want that hat too. Brilliant answer. Cool books and love Ned's. Man that brings back memories. Thanks Victor. Have a great weekend.

Real name: Victor

Where I live: Westchester

Occupation: Investment Bank

Favorite movie: The Third Man

Favorite book: Slaughterhouse 5, Even Cowgirls Get the Blues, The Bill James
Historical Abstract

Favorite album: London Calling, Dark Side of the Moon, Sinatra-Basie, Born to

Three famous people I'd like to meet: Sandra Day O'Connor; Bill Gates; Frank
"the Tank" Ricard

One famous person I actually met: Alan Alda used to live in my town.

Best concert experience: Ned's Atomic Dustbin at Roseland; the New York
Citizens at the Ritz; Nirvana at the Ritz

Coolest pop-culture item I own: An LP Record Player (had it since HS)

And what movie prop would like to own: Judge Smails' Hat (the one that comes
free with a bowl of soup) from Caddyshack.

Thanks again for taking the time.
More later


Anonymous said...

is that two basses I hear?

cbro said...

Why yes in fact that is two basses.