Thursday, August 23, 2007

An idea

I got this interesting email from John a NEXT listener. John said, "I have an idea for a reality TV show where you come in and update some 30 something's music collection and throw out the CD's they've been listening to since college." I like the idea. I have never made video for YouTube but something like that just might work.

Which actually brings up another idea. So I was in a work cubicle and I noticed that there was a VHS or BETA picture being the music geek I am - I inquired. Turned out it was someone else's photo but she asked "What do they sound like?" I said, "a bit like the Cure". By the look on her face I could tell that she didn't know The Cure. Then I guessed that she was 24. Turns out she was 22 and I gave her homework...which was to go home and listen to some Cure. I hope she liked it. So the show could work both ways. Turning on the twenty something’s to the Old stuff that helped bring about the NEW and of course John's idea.


Anonymous said...

Chrisque-O: I know twenty people who'd sign up today for a music make over -- at their own cost. You'd need a big trash can and a firm hand: "Let go. Step away from the Joel. Here. Sit. Listen to this. You'll be okay."

Old-skoolin' the young'uns ought to much easier.

cbro said...

I can see it now...I pull up in a windowless van with a megaphone. Oh wait that has been already been done. So flash to me going through the their cd collection throwing CDs over my head into the trash can...Pan to their dog giving the sideways questioning glance that dogs do...I'll turn to the dog and say "it's gonna be ok. We are here to help" I am beginning to like this idea more and more.

I've said it before people usually have great taste in music the problem is life gets in the way.

Megs said...

I like both ideas, but instead of throwing out old music except for the horrifically cheesy, the old stuff should be left alone!

I feel pretty cool... I'm 22 and I've loved the cure since i was 13!

I'd love to be apart of the music squad! Preaching old school indie/ alternative rock to a younger generation. (wait a minute, I think my radio show is that actually...)

What really cracks me up is how the younger kids think that what Justin Timberlake is doing in music is something new. I'll gladly hand them a few prince albums!

cbro said...

I think we may be on to something here...