Monday, April 30, 2007

Every Day I Write The Book

I know I haven't made any posts on here in a long time. Being a busy college student with a computer that barely works will make a person go MIA for a while.

I am posting to announce a new blog of sorts. It's for my Women Studies class oddly enough. I am suppose to post my creative writing and all this stuff from my creative project for the class. Here is the link for this blog: so please check it out whenever you can. Right now, I have my essay on Madonna. Probably Wednesday night or maybe sooner, I'll post a few poems. (I'm sure that will make Mr. Bro quite happy, since he hasn't read any of my work in a long time) I plan on just posting a little bit at a time. I'm excited to show this sort of stuff to others. Hopefully, everyone will like it.

While on the creative writing topic, I was just recently accepted into The Jiménez-Porter Writers' House, which is a rather prestigious creative writing learning-living community. I can't wait to start the program, but it's still up in the air if I'll be able to live in the dorm with all the other writers. For those who don't know University of Maryland is having a major on-campus housing issue. I was in the Baltimore Sun a few weeks ago, because of it. I am one of the lucky 700 upperclass students who now have to find housing alternatives. Here's the link to the program I've been accepted into: and here is the article that was in the Baltimore Sun:,0,6105424.story?coll=bal-local-headlines and yes there is a picture of your's truly in the article.

One more thing, I'm seeing Elvis Costello in Baltimore in 11 days! (I'm going with my mom. How awesome is that?)

I hope everyone is doing alright and I swear, I'll soon stop being such a stranger.

Take care,


Unknown said...

Nice to have you back stranger. Looking forward to checking out your creative writings.

Enjoy Elvis.

Megs said...

Thanks Chris! I look forward to posting my work in the following few days.