Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Catching up on my DVR

and last night I was watching The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. His guest was the Chef for the White Houses of Clinton and 4 years of Bush. Now I am not some great intelligentsia but when I heard that Bush's nickname for the Chef was "Cookie" I almost threw up. I mean if he was using up all his gray matter on say - the fixing of the War, or the educational gap between the world and US or maybe even getting our budget on the surplus side...I would give him a break. I would say something like "Hey, he is solving very difficult problems...he doesn't have time to come up with creative nicknames."
C'mon...seriously Dude you can do better than Cookie?!?
I am amazed that even after all his blunders he can still astound me. If we vote another Bush into the White House I swear I might leave. Vancouver here I come.

The Office We all love it.

If haven't watched it yet get it on DVD and catch up. I love this blog That's What She Said. A lawyer type goes through each episode and breaks down the lawsuits that could come up. Quite funny.

More later

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